Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tonight, I took one of my older portraits, already sketched and inked in Procreate and went about doing the 'cut paper' thing with it. I added eyebrows and removed the mouth (his having facial hair didn't hurt). There might be too much detail but the likeness is a lot more apparent. There are two versions, one with blue, one without. I eventually chose the one without as the blue one felt more kitchy or like an album cover. While Matisse, who's the inspiration for this whole thing, used very bright colors, I wanted to reference the Dutch Masters and the original portrait and used rich browns instead. This is my partner, the subject of the original portrait, "Dr. Hutchinson."

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

I like this! The brown works the best for me but in both the likeness is stronger than some of your other in this series.