Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Was watching a documentary about Matisse last night. He's not one of my favorites usually but I do like some of his work, notably the cut out paper work he did towards the end of his life. I kind of deal with this all the time; whenever I bring an inked image into AD to color, I'm essentially cutting out bits of colored paper to be put under the inked lines. Sometimes, I turn the ink layer off and like what I see. I did this last night and liked what I saw. This morning, deciding to take it a little further, I added in the pupils and upped the colors quite a bit. Initially, I added the eyebrows as well, but that was too much and was leaning more towards representation. I think I like it but I'm not sure if I could get this to work for likeness of anyone else. Then again, does that matter so much?

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