Friday, January 14, 2022

 Had to work today which gave me little time to do any art. That being said, I did do some stuff to the latest page. Exporting a WIP, I managed to get the text done and positioned, though I may re-color some of the words for emphasis. The purple overlay, which is the same as last page, is a place holder and I will likely change one or both. So far, I'm happy. I need to get Digby's logo onto the shirt and shoes and that will pretty much be it for this page. There's a couple layers of texture in there, a modified plywood scan and some graffiti I used for the recent doberman image. They add interest without being specific. I rather like them.


Behemoth media said...

The hands work really well to me, they do look like they are holding the short and the shoes. This style is working for sure!

T' said...

Thanks. Had extra trouble editing out the fourth finger in these, but I think they still work. Usually it's the ring finger. :D

Behemoth media said...

That doesn't show, they look good and natural. Or I am just used to looking at hands with 4 fingers, like on of my dad's and a friend from High School that I still see.