Thursday, June 30, 2022

 Finally finished page 132. It ended up better than I thought it would, after the usual messing about with color, placement, etc. Just for fun, I threw in a screenshot of how much information did not make it into the page. Everything outside the white frame was rendered but unused. This happens a lot, especially when I reuse background elements like I did with this one. I might indeed use them again. A lot easier than drawing something again from scratch and is one of the joys of working digitally. In a lot of ways, I'm a traditionalist. Not when it comes to making art, though I don't know half the things the software can do. I have my process and it's remained more or less unchanged for a long while. The iPad is the newest addition and it's central. Anyway, another page down.


Behemoth media said...

That background image looks good, it could be its own piece. Another page done!

T' said...

I've used it twice now, might do so one more time. :D