Thursday, July 14, 2022

 I guess I wasn't finished drawing today. Still felt like it, just not like working on the comic, which is not a great thing. So, when I want to draw and I don't have anything in mind, why not yet another self portrait? This one's more a sketch, based on a photo I took with my hair down, which I never do. I think that if I wanted to really finish this, I'd put some more work into the drawing or even redo it. But as this is a sketch, I think it's fine the way it is.


Behemoth media said...

Where did all that hair come from? Where have you been hiding it?

T' said...

I usually wear it pulled back. But I haven't cut it since March of '20.

Behemoth media said...

Next visit I will need to get a wind machine and do a portrait of your hair being blown by unseen winds!