Thursday, July 21, 2022

 Decided to finish yesterday's sketch on the iPad. First, I inked the drawing. Then I did a greyscale watercolor painting, initially planning to leave it like that. Then I decided to add a quick multiply layer with some color and got the final. I haven't used this approach in a long while and I'd forgotten how much I liked it. Just a little fun during an otherwise very busy day.


Behemoth media said...

This makes me wonder if black and white magazine style comics could ever come back. In the 70s there were a ton of titles and I always liked the black and white, especially since colour in comics was so awful back then.

T' said...

Oh, I know the ones you mean, like Savage Sword of Conan or the horror ones. Don't think so. People seem to like color. I don't remember the black and whites selling well even when they came out, sad to say. There was a lot of dimension in those black and whites.

Behemoth media said...

Exactly those. I read recently they had a very short period of popularity but when those comics came out in colour they were abandoned. I liked the larger format too. In Boston until tomorrow. I almost finished a new drawing so that was productive.