Sunday, July 17, 2022

 I should be working on the comic so of course, I'm not. I've started a project that will take me many months and as such, I can poke at it whenever I'm in the mood. I took this photo a few years ago, meaning to make some kind of painting or something for my best friend. This is his favorite place to sit in Harvard Square and I thought he might like to have an image for times when he can't go or just to have. When I took it, I didn't notice the woman sitting right in front of me, nor her amazing coloring. Later, when I gridded this off, she was perfect. Where all about is somber and cool, she's this exclamation point of red. Like some of the other urban 'realist' things I've done, I'm going to keep the details simple but as complete as possible. So far, I'm just working on the big Harvard building and that is taking plenty of time. I'll do each piece separately working from back to front. There will be plenty of tracing because why the hell not? I could draw this freehand and do 'my impression' of it, and it would come out looking janky and off. It still will look imprecise as I will not follow the tracing perfectly. I WANT it to look hand made. Even digital, it will be made by hand. I could paint this but balancing the color would be really tricky and I'm not that accomplished a painter. I think, rather, I would get something that looks like the Picnic image I made awhile back, one which I really like and which I tried to paint with no success.

So here's to distraction!

1 comment:

Behemoth media said...

Only you would distract one project with another a lot more complicated! If it’s as good as the picnic illustration it will be awesome, you simplified that one but kept so many details it really captured the chaos of that place. The building looks good so far, I like the muted colours, they will keep it in the distance.