Saturday, December 24, 2022

 Been working on the remake of page 136 as the one with Ricci doesn't work any more. I need Digby to leave the scene and needed to change the style but needed to keep the place. So I spent a lot of time tracing over the photo I used for reference. Tracing! Gah! Except it works for this and it's not just vectorizing the photos. It's also still somewhat abstract. Colors are not final but the drawing is. I'll have to do some posing soon for Digby. Then I can just go to town on the cartooning for Zippa. No chance of this getting done before New Year's but it should be soon after. Just got to get through the holidays.


Behemoth media said...

I am far away near the North Pole for the holiday… I guess my snowy nickname isn’t going anywhere. I just wanted to say I am happy to see the comic progressing! Next should be interesting!

T' said...

I can only hope so. Stay warm!