Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Another page down. These are taking forever but it's my own fault. Who else could I blame? Was fun to bring in some old friends. I think that my little corral of characters is growing a bit and really, that's how this whole thing kind of got started. Tamino makes his first appearance in Fite, Ricci shows up in Tamino (for a mirror of the same scene), the two mice, utter throwaway characters get an appearance in a Crawford and Cromwell comic and then get their own short story. Howard the dog, appearing twice in Tamino now fronts this story about Silas who was also instrumental in Tamino. Other players are the Tommy and African Wild Dog in the foreground who have yet to be named and appeared in one print. There's also a table with Marcel, Digby and a perpetually grumpy Ricci in the mid ground (honestly can't see why they're hanging around with HIM; perhaps two of them went to college or something), a VERY dim, grown up Harlon waits tables in there, too. I guess peppering panels like this with extras just gives me the possibility of more stories down the road. Also makes them feel a little less like place holders and more like someone vaguely specific. Anyway, I get to start on the lyric pages next which feels like a huge relief for some reason. The meat of this comic IS about the songs and so far it's just been set up and atmosphere.


Behemoth media said...

It looks deceptively simple a scene until you start looking at all the characters and the movement throughout. I think some of your readier stuff was kept more on one or two planes of depth bt this new comic is really exporting a deeper world visually.

T' said...

Tamino was VERY very flat. This is still flat in its way but also has more depth. I hope that's a GOOD thing! Thanks, Vince!