First page of the main comic. Less dreaminess, more mundanity. I totally changed the swatch set I was using which, I think, made it feel a little more 'earthy,' or at least less dreamlike. I have many ideas for this comic as I said. Just really glad that I'm still enthused and still looking forward to drawing more. This one I started before work, but had to finish long afterwards. But the fact that that's what I wanted to come home and do makes me hopeful for the whole thing, however long it ends up being. No, I would not recommend that anyone make comics the same way I do. I would recommend that each person found what works for them and just focused on that. Trying to make things someone else's way is counterproductive, though it's always good to learn process. You never know what elements you might take away from the experience.
you are really gong all cylinders on this one. I wish i had time just for my drawing these days.. I have 16 lined up to do! maybe I will have time all winter...It's good to see you excited about your work!
Yah, dunno where it all came from but this is what it should feel like when I 'm doing a comic, I think. It's all I want to do, it's not a chore, I look forward to doing it. All that back work for Delve Deep and the original Ghiroy were not in vain. I'm mining them both for material here. I hope you get time to draw soon. What's keeping you so busy, besides the movie?
I had to work in a video studio as part of my attempt to get work on a children's show doing animation, plus my part time crappy job and then lots of renovation. I had to replace a lot of rotten boards on the deck and then build a fence between me and the neighbours and paint the deck. that's almost done... another couple of days. We haven't been able to use our side of the terrace in almost 4 years because of the construction next door but when this is done I'll just have to worry about my side and not even sees the other if I don't want to.
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