Saturday, January 20, 2018

A little exercise to see how things look all together. This is a cheat as there are two pages missing, which I'll have to go back and do once the opening sequence is done. Still, it helps to see the flow. Once the final page is done in the sequence, I'll go back and do some fine tuning, make some changes. For example, page 11 has no green filter. Makes it stand out. Will fix that. The figure on page 13 is too thin. Will have to redraw him. There will be more scrutiny and poking. I just have to balance it so I don't slow myself down. This is going to be a LONG haul.


Behemoth media said...

It might just be the size isn't big enough to make a good assessment, but the title page looks off to me somehow in relation to the other pages.

T' said...

I don't think it's off, but it is set up very slightly differently than the others. That being said, I had to cut and paste things to get the grid, so it might be that, too.