Monday, January 01, 2018

First post of the new year. I guess I wanted to start on a productive note. I like and don't like the photo format of this. It feels more complete and less cartoonish at the same time. This one's not too deep, either, almost a place holder though it's also true. Today's not a bad day. Had a good time at a party last night, and, at least right now, I can see moving forward artistically. I have a lot of new, good books to read (including Chris Ware's Monograph, a book on artist James Jean, the art book for Coco and, well, the books from the last page of this comic). Am also re-reading "7 Days in the Art World," a very interesting book about what the Art World is like behind the scenes. Murakami was the focus of one of the chapters, which is how I even heard of him in the first place. Lots to think about, which is good. Reaching constantly out for new facets of art and how people see can't be bad, unless I allow it to shift my focus or lose it entirely. I do have my little side trips. Otherwise, we'll start the 12th year of this blog, the longest journal I've ever kept on what's at least not a downer note. Let's get making.

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