Thursday, January 11, 2018

Reached my goal of three pages this week, which feels pretty good. Had a thought either in dream or when falling asleep about how to do the text in different ways and am glad to see that it worked. I wanted to keep from using AI, but had to a few pages ago because there are no perspective tools that I know about in AD. That being said, it came to me that I could just do my usual sketching of the words, bend or fold paper as need be, take a photo of that and just use the resulting image as my tracing guide. Worked like a charm. I will remember this in the future as it's far easier than even using a perspective tool in the first place.

Getting closer to the end of this first song. It's feeling a bit claustrophobic in this setting. Howard's going to really let loose before the end and I can get a chance to show a bit more of how I want this all to work. But Howard's section is meant to be the anchor and so has to be a bit more realistic. I'm also getting tired of drawing my leather jacket. There are still two very detailed pages from the beginning that need to be addressed, but I'll come back to them, do final edits and then release the whole thing as a package for download so that people might actually read it. No bets on that.


Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

I might use that trick! That text looks far more organic than the warp tool can do!

T' said...

Go ahead and use it. It's about as low tech as I can get... though really, I did use a digital camera and program. I just got the warping by hand. :"D