Monday, January 01, 2018

Well, managed to squeak in a new Ghiroy page before the end of the first day of 2018. Haven't done one since October, but City Silent has been taking front and center, as it should, and there's really almost no way to get much done during the holidays. I was also a little stuck on this page; for some reasons, I just couldn't get it down. I think I was trying to make it more complex than it needed to be. That being said, I was able to literally whip up a simple layout on the iPad, then get the thing done, all in about two hours. Which is nuts. It works, and the comic remains fun to do. No one reads it, but that's ok. All my art's for me. Something else to work on for this year. Also trying to think of this more as a cartoon. Will see if I can't structure it that way. Personally, I think the show would do great. So Cartoon Network, give me a call!

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