Thursday, April 22, 2021

 This is Phillipa Perry, wife of Grayson who I did last week. To me, this is a successful portrait and it's also unremarkable in any way. There's likeness and some style, but it's dull. I'm still glad I did it though I won't be posting it to most of my social media. It's not a mistake or a failure, just not interesting. It's still work and I still learned from it. Perhaps I can do something further with it but for now, I'll leave it be.


Behemoth media said...

I am sort of imagining all these portraits in a story together. Another good one, I don’t think it’s dull or anything like that, but what do I know?

T' said...

Don't know if there's a story. I have been watching another Brit show called Grayson Perry's Art Club and find him an interesting and fun artist. This is his wife, a fine artist in her own right.